VSM 3:
Location: The National Hydrocarbons Agency (ANH) awarded TELPICO Block VSM-3 through Contract 16 of 2011, located between the departments of Tolima and Cundinamarca, whose extension is 42,274,114 Ha, the Exploration Drilling area VSM-3 (in (APE VSM-3) and its area of influence, are located in the department of Tolima in the jurisdiction of the Municipality of Coello, Piedras and Alvarado, with an area of 23.298,2 Ha.
The following are the main studies carried out in the VSM-3 block area: SEISMIC PERMITS GRANTED BY CORTOLIMA
• Environmental Management Measures (MMA) for Seismic Exploration Program VSM3-Doima-3D. Bioparque - TELPICO 2011.
• Studies associated with the preliminary consultation process for the 3D seismic exploration project in the VSM-3 Block. Bioparque - TELPICO 2013.
• Report of relation of material collected from the project Environmental Impact Study for the Exploration Drilling Area VSM-3 Block. Antea Group -TELPICO 2014.
• Scientific research permit in biological diversity, granted under Resolution No. 0741 of July 08, 2014.
VSM 22:
Location: Exploratory Drilling Project VSM-22 (APE VSM-22), is located within Block VSM 22, which has an area of approximately 34451.5617 ha and is located in the department of Huila, in the municipalities Yaguará, Íquira and Teruel.
The seismic VSM22 3D 2013 field work program were initiated on September 23, 2013 and ending on April 5, 2014 compliance was implemented the commitments made in the document Assessment and Environmental Management (DEMA) presented to the CAM (Corporation Of the High Magdalena).
The environmental impact (EIA) of exploratory drilling block VSM 22 was held in the year 2013 and was filed with the National Licensing Authority Environmental (ANLA) on March 4, 2014 and Resolution No. 0380 April 8, 2015 ANLA the license was granted for the execution of the project.
In the year 2015 the Environmental Management Plan (PMA) for the location Goliad was handed over to ANLA and CAM. In addition, permits were requested to execute the program of preventive archeology to the Colombian Institute of Anthropology and History (ICANH). INFORMATION ABOUT PMA - ICANH In August 2016, the implementation of the alignment of the road and construction of the Goliad location that is being implemented to date begins.
Block Llanos 42:
Location: The Llanos 42 Block is located in the Municipality of Arauca, Department of Arauca, in the villages Clarinetero, Bocas del Arauca, Mata de Gallina, Los Caballos, Arrecifes, Mata de Piña, La Panchera and El Vapor. Specifically, the APE has an extension of 26,546.08 ha.
The LLANOS 42 3D seismic program began on February 26, 2014 and ended on January 27, 2015. Based on the guidelines of the Colombian environmental legislation related to terrestrial seismic exploration projects and Resolution No. 500.41-13- 1194 of September 03 of 2013, issued by CORPORINOQUIA, in which it establishes environmental guidelines for seismic acquisition programs that are carried out in areas of its jurisdiction, in which the Environmental Management Measures - MMA were established.
The environmental impact study (EIA) of the Llanos 42 exploratory drilling block was carried out between the years 2014 and 2015 and was filed before the National Authority for Environmental Licenses (ANLA) on December 3, 2015 and Resolution No. 01088 of September 23, 2016 The environmental license was granted for the execution of the project. We are currently awaiting a resolution regarding the recourse filed on October 24, 2016.